

Thursday 9 July 2015

How I see Myself In 20 Years From Now!

           Assalamualaikum and welcome to my blog (^_^).As you all know my name is Muhammad Aiman Arif Bin MD Zahir and I currently studying at my beloved KPTM Alor Setar.That a little about my and now focus on main topic.Seeing ourself in the future is not an easy thing.It's more like what we going to be in 20 years from now.For my opinion the first thing what i see after 20 year from now is that i finished my study with graduation level PhD. I graduated with the highest level of education in order to reply my parent hardwork in raising me all these year

          The second thing that i see in 20 years from now that u might be already marry to someone that i love that time and maybe already have a children.Well to tell the truth is that i not really interest in this kind of thing right now, but who know`s what will happen in the future.The next thing i see myself after 20 years is that i work at big company or my own company, but with me level of education at that time is PhD, I more likely to be a lecture like Miss Siti Najah Adnan which is a good thing.The last but not least what i see in myself in 20 years is that i definitely take my mother and father to live with me.People usually say that it easier to sent your parent to folkhouse but i will never do  that to my parent because i will take care of them by myself like that take care of me when i still a child.The reason that i do this is simple,it is  because they are my parent.

          That all i want to talk about what how i see myself on 20 years from now.I hope you guys will able to see yourself in 20 years from now in a good way.Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog to the fullest.Thank you again and Assalamualaikum.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

My First Week At KPTM Alor Setar

Assalamualaikum ,today i going to tell you guys about my first week at KPTM Alor Setar.My first week started with orientation session for total four day. We done lot of different activities including doing ridiculous workout called the penguin dance. I also got a chance to meet some of my lecture before my class start. From all the activities we had done,the most enjoying activities are so called slogan creating. We need to work as a team in order to make the activities work,it teach me how to work with other people that i barely know. I also able to make lots of friend from other course. Some of them are okay but some people not that good to make friend with them. We also had a very good facilitators, they are very skillful while handling their job. They can make us laugh,emotion and some time they make us quite scared, but for my opinion they are very good person. I think that all i want to tell about my first week at KPTM Alor Setar. In the end i really enjoyed the orientation week because i got to know lot of things about KPTM Alor Setar,