

Saturday 12 September 2015

A Prominent Figure In IT World

     Assalamualaikum, an a very good morning or evening to all my reader. A special thanks to my English lecture Madam Siti Najah for giving us this magnificent title for my post. For today post, I want to talk about a Prominent Figure in IT World. As a Computer System and Networking student, I personally  excited about this. Lets start of with the first and most historical  figure. His name is Charles Babbage, Babbage and The Countess is the title that given to him. He is the one who create Difference and Analytical Engine. Most histories of modern computer start with the Analytical Engine envisioned by Charles Babbage. His assistant and collaboration , Ada Lovelace is said to have introduce the idea of program loop and subroutines. Ada Lovelace also know as the first programmer in the world.

      The second prominent figure in IT world is John V Atanasoff. His assistant Clifford Berry work together and build the first electronic computer name Atanasoff Berry Computer also known as "ABC". This is the first step of creating the computer that we used right now. They spent lot of time creating this electronic calculating device. The last but not least, but in fact the most importance prominent figure in IT world known as John Von Neumann. All IT student known this name, This is because John Von Neumann is the one who introduce his theory to the world. His contribution is really significant that nearly all computer in the world are based of his theory.

     So in the end all our high tech computer that we use right now are base on the simple calculating machine that all this people created hundred years ago. If they never invented their computer, trust me we will not have the computer right now. That all I want  to talk today. Hope you guys appreciate what have they done in the past. Until we meet again kay~~~.

Why Do I Have To Finish My Diploma~~~

     Assalamualaikum and we meet again. From my last post, we talked about love right. Now I going to talk about why do I have to finish my diploma. Diploma, originally from a Greek word "δίπλωµα". Diploma meaning "folded paper" is a certification issue by an educational institution. Well that a little trivia about diploma. Now lets move to the main part of this post.

     The first reason why do I have to finish my diploma is because I want to further my study to a higher level of education like degree, master, and PhD.
Diploma is my key to open the door to my future study. I want to finish my diploma with a flying colour. Moat people took diploma lightly because of the level of certificate is not that great. But for me, finishing diploma with fantastic CGPA add a final touch to make me more satisfy with my work,

     For the second reason is quite more personal like matter. The second reason is that i want to redeem myself after what I have done I the past year. I fail really bad at my SPM. This is because I took my SPM lightly. I play a lot and not paying any attention on what the consequences of that. In the end I get what I personally call "Punishment". From that day, I vow to take study as serious as I can. I don't want to screw up like the last time I did. I disappoint my parent, friends, and my teacher. That why I want to redeem myself on what I has done.

     The last but not least the reason that I want to reply my parent hardship on giving money to me, raising me and support when I in trouble. For me there is nothing more importance then trying to reply our parent. The best way to do tat is that by being a successful child that they can proud of. It also my duty as a student to finish my diploma.

     That all about my reason on why I have to finish my diploma. I hope you guys have your own reason too. Till we meet again okay. Have a nice day and stay tune for my updade >.<.