

Thursday 6 August 2015



        Assalamualaikum to all my fellow reader, Today I going to write a post about something that really catch all my reader interest. I going to talk about Love. I know all people know a thing or two about love right, So for me love consist of three main part. Firstly the move importance is Love to ALLAH. There is nothing more importance than love to ALLAH. As for me, the most importance is that you need to love to your creator. The meaning love to ALLAH is that we do all the things that ALLAH told us to do like praying, do good deeds, and cover your "Aurat". Don't do anye will make up some how. Same goes to anyone who don't have their parent anymore, they sure miss their parent and pray for their parent. The love to parent is importance because they the one who raise us for the age of one day without any complaint. Loving them and make they proud is the only way to reply their hardwork in taking care of us

          The third part of love is that love to someone special to us. When we started to interact with someone other than our family, We eventually be friend with them and start to trust each other without notice it. This can be prove when we hear one of our friend want to transfer to other place, We will feel really sad. This is because we love them as a friend. On the other hand, There will always be someone that we secretly love more that the rest of our friends. If the person is the same gender as us, we call it "Best Friend". If the person is opposite gender, we call it "Love".

That all from me about LOVE. Pretty dramatic right, I hope all my reader will enjoy reading my post about love. Have A Nice day okay~

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