

Saturday 10 October 2015

I Have Proven Them Wrong

     Assalamualaikum to all my reader and my friends. For me, today is a very lovely day. Since today weather pretty nice I going to tell you guys a story. Of course it base on true story, This is the story about I have proven them wrong. Who's them?,They are my friend. So the title of this story is I have proven my friend that they are wrong. Sit back and relax while reading my story. So lets the story begin

     When I was form three, I study at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Temnggung which is also known as SMKTT. I took seven subject for my PMR which is Malay,Mathematics,History,Science,Arabic and "Kemahiran Hidup". But not all my classmate took Arabic. They said that Arabic is really hard to learn and if you fail it will effect your average grade. After thinking over and over again, I finally decided to take Arabic. Half of my classmate, especially boy drop Arabic. Since I was the most slow learner in Arabic, they say that I definitely going to fail no matter what I do. At first I think they might be right about it but my best friend said that nothing in this world is impossible. He said that if I want to pass in Arabic I must work hard and ignore what other people bad opinion.

     So I make up my mind that i want to pass with flying colour. I started to do self-study, asking friend if I not understand anything and I work hard to make sure I not fail the test. When I took the trial test, I confident that I can score at least C in the trial. When the trial result came out , I was so shocked with my result. I not even score C but I badly fail the trail test. I feel so down about it. All my friends who drop Arabic laugh at me and told me that they were right that I cant pass. But once again my best friend told me "Hey ai, chill it just a trail. Not even worth to think about it". After that he help me with everything he got. When the real test come, At the first moment I read all the question and then I gave up. I don't even understand what the question is because even the question in Arabic. But soon I realise something, that the pattern of the question is the same as before. So I tried my best to answer all question with everything I got. When the result came, sadly enough I score a grade D. But the good thing is that I did not fail my test and it's not effect my grade at all. That moment I knew that I have proven them wrong.

    That a little story of my life on how I prove my fellow friends that they are wrong about me.So until we meet again. See you guys around.

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